Saturday, June 6, 2009

june 6 (I belive)

not quite sure...
I cannot make it to the internet caffee more then once a week.
I'm REALLY busy here if you can believe it.
I teach english and computer music (the class I started, just with my own laptop with Logic= HUGE follow-up) and am preparing a performance for june 19th, the last friday before I leave.
The students will sing and perform their compositions, reciter poems, ehxiubit their drawing. Some faculty members will participarte too (Myself, Emma - computer teacher, Mensah - KG teacher, maybe madame Chrisy - English teacter).
Will tape that.
At 2:30 the school finishes so I do extra work with kids thay want it. Most do.
At 4PM I take dancing and drumming lessons with the Dagbe Center teacher and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that.

At 6 I have dinner, edit recordings and correct children's homework.
After that I go to one of 2 village bars with the boys for a beer.
The beers here are gigantic. 680ml.
But not always cold.
Go tobed early. 10 ish.

Ot has rained fot the last 3 nights - so it's a bit less humid then it was the fist week, but I have alos totally adjusted to the heat. The humidity. The food. The mosquitos. The bad dreams - not nifghtmares, but yes, every night I do have a bad dream. But funilly, even while dreamng, I know I shouldn't take it seriously.
Am I trained or what?

Tomorrow I have a day off.

Will post something again soon - have older notes that I have been saving on thje flash drive. Stuff from last week.

Do i miss NY. I miss certain things about it. But only for a moment. If I could have an evening im NY and come back- I'd take it. Otherwise - I breathe more life here right now then I have been in years...

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